Since we’ve had the Raise3D N2 3D Printer, we’ve never done a “Max Build Volume” print. The N2 is a 12″ x 12″ x 12″ print area, which allows for some pretty nifty ideas to come to life. We have been on a “Vase Mode” kick, printing objects with only 1 shell or outer perimeter, and thought printing a max build volume rocket would be fun!
We picked a model from Thingiverse that was originally uploaded in 2014. Botmaster’s Rocket Verns Style stl is an awesome model, very well designed and aesthetically pleasing.The name of the model is a bit curious. Perhaps Verns style is a reference to Jules Vern’s 20000 Leagues Under The Sea, as the fins do resemble the submarine on the cover of the book. ANYWAY…..The model is perfectly suited for Vase Mode – hollow in the inside, with very clean flowing lines that make printing just one outer shell an easy task.
Without further ado, here’s a time lapse of the 6.5 hour print. There’s something *SO* satisfying about watching it come in to existence, especially the fins!
The end result was a 12 inch tall and almost 6 inch wide model (from fin to fin, not diameter).
We selected eSun PLA+ filament for this model. We’ve used a LOT of eSun filament, mostly PETG for printing fidget spinners! eSun filaments print nicely, come in a wide range of colors (23 PLA colors are on Amazon), and are consistent from roll-to-roll! Speaking of printing, the print settings for this vase mode print are:
- 215 degrees nozzle
- 62 degrees bed
- 30 mm per second print speed
- 0% infill
- 1 shell
- 0.40mm nozzle diameter
- 0.20mm layer height
- 0.16mm first layer
- 2 bottom layers
- 1 top layer
What do you think of Vase Mode prints? If you have a 3D Printer, have you ever used vase mode? If you don’t have a 3D Printer, do you have any questions about printing models in vase mode?